Monday, September 2, 2013

Luisa Etxenike: UWGB's Scholar-in-Residence, Fall 2013

Here you have a short bio of our Scholar in Residence, Luisa Etxenike. She will be teaching two courses for UWGB in the Fall semester of 2013: SPAN 465 Special Topics-Contar el cuento  with Prof. Cristina Ortiz, and ENG 338 World Literatures- Memory, Gender and Violence in Contemporary World Narratives with Professor Saxton-Ruiz.

Luisa Etxenike (San Sebastián, Spain)

Has published the following novels: El detective de sonidos (2011), El ángulo ciego (Euskadi Literary Award 2009), Los peces negros (2005), Vino (2000), El mal más grave (1997) and Efectos secundarios (1996), and the short story collections Ejercicios de duelo (2001), and La historia de amor de Margarita Maura (1990).

Her short stories have been included in numerous anthologies, the most recent: Un deseo propio. Antología de escritoras españolas contemporáneas, edited by Inmaculada Pertusa y Nancy Vosbrug.

She has translated from French the works of Jacques Roubaud (Algo negro), Jean-Michel Maulpoix (La cabeza de Paul Verlaine) and Claude Lanzmann (Alguien vivo pasa).

She teaches creative writing workshops at the Cultural Center Ernest LLuch (San Sebastián, Spain) and at the University of the Basque Country (Bilbao). She also teaches courses on “Theory of Narration” and “Gender Studies” for the University of the Basque Country (Aula de la Experiencia, Bilbao).

She is the coordinator of the International Encounter of Women Writers that takes place annually in San Sebastian since 1988.

In 1999 she was an International Visiting Scholar at Columbia University’s Spanish Graduate Program, where she taught courses in contemporary Spanish literature.

In 2007 she was awarded the distintion of Chevalier d’ Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government as a recognition for her outstanding work in the fields of art and literature.

In 2012, San Sebastian’s municipal government awarded her the Medalla al Mérito Ciudadano (Medal for Exemplary Citizenship).

Among her hobbies are bird watching and archery.

An interview with Luisa was recently published in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo:


And here's an interview with Dr. Pilar Rodríguez...


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